About Me, the Lady Who Takes the Photos


Hi there.  My name is Ceilidh. It’s spelled super crazy because it’s Gaelic, which is funny because I am not Scottish even a little bit. It always messes with people because it looks difficult to say, but it’s really as simple as “K-lee”.  (You can definitely ignore that “-dh” business at the end.)

A few little things about me:

So, oh my gosh, I am *such* a dork. Let's laugh about that together at your session (when I will undoubtedly do something ridiculously dorky).

I received my BFA in Photography from Mass College of Art in 2007, and opened Willow Baby Studios in 2011. I am so glad I started my business before I knew how hard it is to actually run a business!

When I remember that taking a break from working is normal and healthy, I prefer any of the following:

  • Standup comedy, especially Tig Notaro & Mike Birbiglia

  • swearing (but not in front of the kiddos, promise!)

  • podcasts

  • singing off-key to any song with lyrics I know, often while "car dancing"

  • key lime pie and smushy cookies

  • decluttering and minimalism -cleaning out a friends' linen closet gives me a somewhat concerning amount of giddy joy

  • my child's goofy jokes

I adore my son, but I am the first to admit that parenting is THE hardest thing ever.  Sometimes I fantasize about trading him in for a nice quiet house plant. And then he says something classic, and I've certainly never heard a plant say something as funny or wacky as this: 
(below convo took place in front of his small bedside fan)


Him: Momma, you know, it’s pretty weird for a guy like me to have a fan.

Me: What do you mean, a guy like you? You mean, a kid?

My child: Well, yeah.


So yeah. Our job as parents is hard and yet... So. Amazingly. Beautiful. It would be my honor to show you how beautiful you and your favorite people are.

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