Who I photograph when I'm not hanging with the babies

That which is striking and beautiful is not always good,but that which is good is always beautiful. - Ninon de L'Enclos

I absolutely LOVE working with the babies and littles I usually spend time with, but that doesn't mean I don't also take photos of grown up people as well! I've taken on a decent amount of headshot sessions, and I'm excited to share a smattering of them with you below. Photographing adults is such a different experience.... It's true that they are certainly more cooperative than my smaller subjects, but they also tend to be varying degrees of self-conscious in front of the camera. I include myself in this: holy inappropriate expletive! - I am the *worst* at getting my photo taken - I talk awkwardly and make weird faces and just generally have a hard time feeling accepting of the whole process. It's a trust thing, I think, and it feels like a big deal to pay someone to take photos of you - ones you feel like actually look like you, and that you can not just tolerate, but really like.

I can't tell you how many people tell me before I photograph them - "Good luck, it's impossible to get a good photo of me." And then, well, we end up with some amazing photos. I think it's partially because I have never photographed someone without being hit at some point during our session by how incredibly beautiful they are.  Looking at my subjects so intently through my lens, trying to truly see them, and capture their best self, I never fail to feel astounded by how beautiful people are - I know this word tends to be thought of as a more feminine adjective, but I feel it about my male subjects too. 

You know what?  Even though I can't see you, I know that you're beautiful too. I have absolutely no doubt that you're stunning person, and I hope your day is filled with peace and laughter.



Postscript for you all: 

Are you looking for an updated headshot? Or amazing family photographs? I would love to help you out with that!  It’s never too early to contact me about a future session – I'm already 1/2 booked for September!  Please call 617-480-0387 or email me at cwy@willowbabystudios.com  to schedule your session.

Also,  for extra cuteness in your life, please jump on over to Instagram and follow me there to see a little darling every day!  #willowbabydaily

Daddies-to-Be: Andrew and Brian||Boston MA Family Photography

When I arrived at their home for our photo session, Andrew & Brian had a bunch of outfit options laid out for me to see - including a different pair of amazing socks to go with each one. The effort and dedication they put into this photo shoot was impressive - and second only to how much fun we had taking the photos, I dare say!

Andrew and Brian are a brilliant, fun-loving and easy-going couple - and they're ready for a baby! As they've worked through the adoption process, it became clear that they needed some updated photos to show off their wonderful personalities on their adoptive parent's profile. So the three of us set to work....They made my job really easy. I love these guys!

We all scoffed at the idea of taking overly "cutesy" photos, and yet, somehow we ended up with this. It was, initially at least, organic. I suppose when folks have such a great sock collection, it's basically inevitable. The love and mutual respect this couple has for each other is clear. I can't wait to see them move forward on their journey towards parenthood!Andrew and Brian, you guys will make amazing dads! Thank you so much for the honor of helping you - we'll be booking your newborn session before we know it!



The Stunningly Beautiful Bear |Boston Headshot Photographer Travels

I still have a card she gave me when we first met, almost 10 years ago, pressed in the pages of my then-current journal.  The front boasted a photo of a chicken, and inside, in penmanship that would become as familiar and recognizable as any I could know (she is a generous letter writer and fellow fan of using the USPS), an e.e. cummings poem that remains one of my favorites to this day. She appeared in my college life as Hurricane Katrina devastated her city, and halted her Louisiana art school education. Many colleges around the US were opening doors to displaced students, and my beloved Mass Art got her:

The amazing Bear Hebert, last name pronounced the French way, so her name is absurdly fun to say.


When she changed her first name to Bear for numerous reasons, one of them was for the sheer delight of it. So, this is my Bear, who first inspired my creative growth during long nights of darkroom printing, and intense discussions of photography during class and afterwards, explaining passionately and eloquently about the many feelings evoked within her by any given piece of art. Together we attended a big art opening at the MFA, snuck in by a favorite professor, and stood in awe before six and eight foot photographs.  We simultaneously cried at the encompassed beauty and destruction in these particular photos, and also were giddy with excitement to be part of such a night in the world of fine art photography.

Over the years, I have turned to her to help process - and also to gain wisdom about- so many of my most important things:  spiritual musings, the struggle to create art in the face of fear and doubt, grieving the deaths of loved ones, and the loss of friendships ended, growing up poor and continuing to have a complex relationship to money, the pain and magic of romantic relationships, the stresses of parenting, and somehow, miraculously, continuing to love and frequently find joy though it all.


Today, she continues to create: stunning costumes for theater productions, essential connections and safe spaces for LGBTQ youth, nourishing and inspired food for those around her, healthy minds and bodies as a yoga teacher, and a community of big, deep, friendships.

Thank you for all of the things, Bear - this was such an honor.
