Sweet Eloise || Newborn photography, Waltham, MA

Many years ago, her parents met while jumping on trampolines!  And now they are bringing that same enthusiasm, joy and energy to their adorable little bundle - Miss Elosie. waltham-ma-newborn-photography-01

Little darling, at just 7 days old, gave me some soulful stares before easily drifting off to sleep.  Her mom is a lover of bright colors, so we played around with my various swaddles & headbands for awhile, the vibrant blues and pinks playing beautifully against Ellie's skin.  waltham-ma-newborn-photography-02

We then had her don a very special vintage bonnet, that her mom had worn home from the hospital as a newborn.  I love when grandmas save these treasures and pull them out for the photo session - such a wonderful way to connect generations.

waltham-ma-newborn-photography-03During the family part of their session, we discussed how they were living the dream - their gratitude is deep, which made them even more of a delight to photograph.

waltham-ma-newborn-photography-06To the adored and adorable Eloise, welcome!  The world is happy to have you here.  To her parents - thank you for brining me in to capture the beginning of your family journey.  It is such an honor!




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Chilly winds, warm bath....

With enough snow to rival what I remember from wild winters of my childhood in Vermont, and a wind chill in the negatives, there was really only one reasonable place to take photographs today (indoors).  And only one logical subject: My sweet little guy, almost five, who always protests his bath time and yet never wants to get out once he's started...


One of his favorite tub games is "Pizza shop", wherein he fills a little cup with water, and then one of those tiny sponges that you get in a set of 6 dissolvable capsules - in this case, trains and common creatures - and then hands me a "box" of pizza.


I take one cup off the top of another, and see my "pizza" (water) and then act shocked and dismayed that there is a spongey squirrel or caboose in it. This cracks him up beyond reason, and we do it over, and over, and over again.  Until one time I call to order my pizza and he informs me "the phone isn't working because the electricity is out" after which he flips the drain switch up and down a few times and declares it fixed.


Here's to bath time joy, and after-bath snuggles.... to five year old silliness and imagination.... to dreading more snow days, yet knowing when they come I will find plenty of goodness in another day with my little guy.
