And I’d choose you; in a hundred lifetimes, in a hundred worlds, in any version of reality, I’d find you and I’d choose you.
-Kiersten White, The Chaos of Stars
For the past two weeks, my lil' dude has been really into this tiger costume.
Last week he wore it to school on three different occasions, and I had to talk him out of wearing it to a doctor's appointment (logistically, not the most practical idea).
But, I love that he has taken such a liking to wearing it. I love observing his funny quirks and preferences. I love how he builds lego ships specially for lego legs (no torsos or heads), how he's developed a fondness for a particular plant hook (more on that below) and how recently, while eating pizza, he said to me, "Momma, no one ever does this but....." and then leaned down and gave his slice a kiss.
Hook story: he started fiddling around with a nondescript silver hook that had been used to suspend a hanging plant from the ceiling. He ended up choosing it as the toy (!!) he wanted to bring to daddy's house one weekend, and the following Monday his dad told me that Finn had started calling it "Hooky". And at one point over the weekend Finn said, "Daddy, Hooky is my best friend that isn't a person".
Yeah. So this guy. I find him so. very. endearing. He is clever, and bizarre, and getting big and so independent, and yet also still my little boy, who needs hugs and comforting. This whole parenting journey continues to be filled with daily challenges, and also abundant in these adorable, affirming moments - I feel so much gratitude that I get to be a momma, especially a momma to this silly little tiger.
I hope your Monday is filled with your version of endearing tiger quirks!
Postscript for you all:
Do you need beautiful photos of your little tigers? I would love to take them! It's never too early to contact me about a future session - I often schedule a few months out - 617-480-0387 or
And, for daily cuteness, please jump on over to Instagram and follow me there for daily adorableness! #willowbabydaily