Ohhhh, this sweetpea was so uninterested in sleeping. But. My goodness.... her eyes! While alert newborns can be trickier to photograph than sleeping ones in certain ways, Baby Naaz's deep brown eyes were so full of curiosity and excitement that I was quite pleased to spend a bunch of time with her awake.
At six and a half weeks old, this darling is on the "older" side for newborn photos. But I always tell my clients that it's *never* a bad time to get photos taken, and that they shouldn't feel stressed if they miss that very early newborn window. True, it's harder to get certain poses, but in exchange, your newborn is more interactive, and smiley (or perhaps a bit skeptical, as seen below:-).
Naaz's photo session took place in a home brimming with love - on hand was an auntie, a cousin and one set of grandparents. And none of them could take their eyes off of the newest, littlest member of the family.
You know what makes any photo session sweeter and more fun? A precocious and adoring 7 year old cousin with the cutest British accent. I'm just saying - any clients that have one such cousin in the family, do invite her to our photo session, please! (Also, she kept calling her baby cousin her little sister, which is pretty believable, especially in this sweet photo of them).Like many (all?!) of the brand new mommas I meet, Naaz's mom was feeling a little.... uncertain about being photographed. But I can say without hesitation that she is downright stunning - there's the tiny detail of her gorgeous hair, and then that amazing fact that she just grew a human person!
And finally, yes, this little darling took a snooze. And when her momma brought out this gorgeous necklace that we turned into a headband, I knew I had to pair it with a quote by a favorite artist of mine....
The day you were born, the world had to make room for a little more fancy. -Leigh Standley
To Naaz's whole family - I'm so excited that I will be seeing you again for her sitting session and first birthday photos! (Let's hear it for the first year package!!)
Considering the First Year Package for your baby on the way? It's such a joy for me to get to know your family by seeing you for three sessions during baby's first year. For more info please contact me at 617-480-0387 or cwy@willowbabystudios.com
Also, for extra cuteness in your life, please jump on over to Instagram and follow me there to see a little darling every day! #willowbabydaily