All four of them waited, and waited, especially the momma with her heavy, moving belly and then, after all that, after almost 42 weeks of waiting.... she's finally arrived...
Here's the most beloved baby Gloria. She joins two goofy big brothers ready to teach her the ways of their family....With these experts leading the way, she will undoubtedly become quite talented at making silly faces soon, pushing her parent's buttons in time, and, eventually joining her family in singing practice. (How cool is that?!)
I think this is how we are supposed to be in the world -present and in awe. Anne Lamott
I briefly interrupt for a brief four year old interlude..... And now, presenting this lovely momma of three, who parents her brood with such an amazing base of calm.... I'm sure she may beg to differ, and certainly she must have her moments of, eh-hem,"cursing like a sailor" but she has such a relaxed and go-with-the flow attitude, that watching her roll with the chaos of all the kiddos is quite remarkable. And the daddy of the three kiddos? Here he is, being all good-natured, with an easy sense of humor. And lastly, the whole family of five... (it's possible that certain members needing a bit more corralling... any guesses?) A big huge thank you to all of you. And a big huge welcome to you, Gloria! I'm so happy that you arrived safely, and that I had the honor of capturing this amazing time for your family.
Postscript for you all:
Do you need beautiful photos of your family? I would love to take them! It’s never too early to contact me about a future session – I often schedule a few months out – 617-480-0387 or
Also, for more cuteness, please jump on over to Instagram and follow me there for new adorable-ness every day! #willowbabydaily