Oh, this darling girl! Just five days old, and snoozy as can be. Her name Amira has a few different meanings in Arabic - cultivated, noble, and, though her parents are hoping she won't find out too soon, princess.Her smushy lips! Her perfect toes! That gorgeous hair! What an amazing little person she is!
Her beauty isn't surprising..... though both her parents were born and raised on Roosevelt Island, NY, her momma is Indonesian and her daddy, Colombian. Ready for their story? It's quite remarkable....They have known each other since second grade, though their love story started much later, of course. There is even a photo of them in grade school, the first photo of them together, that some friends found for them when they began Amira's baby book. And now, they have their own little sweetie, who will someday be in second grade herself. How special to have known your partner as a child, and now be raising your own together....As if all that isn't enough special, one grandma was also on hand for the photo session, so I can now present a photo of three generations of beautiful, kind females. The look of adoration on grandma's face as she snuggles with her daughter and grand baby makes me feel also sorts of sappy-mushy.
Welcome to this world, little one. It is even now that much better because you are here.
-Leigh Standley
With love,
Postscript for you all:
Do you have a little person arriving soon? I suggest booking ahead of your due date to ensure session availability. It’s never too early to contact me about a future session – I often schedule a few months out – 617-480-0387 or cwy@willowbabystudios.com
Also, for more cuteness, please jump on over to Instagramand follow me there for new adorable-ness every day! #willowbabydaily
Willow Baby Studios specializes in newborn and baby photography for Boston area families.
I’d be honored to capture lovely photos of your favorite people soon.